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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 05/13/08
May 13th , 2008
Municipal Office

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.

Member’s Present:  Chairmen Dana Haynes, Story Litchfield, Rick Savage, Ted Bromage, Bill Johnson, Chris Moore, Jim Black, Jim Bright, Eric Jones(late), Harbormaster Shawn Murphy, Jock Crothers,  Thomas Fernald.

Not Present:  Doug Foster

Guests:  Noel Musson, Mike Olson.

B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from April 8, 2008.

Motion by Savage, second by Johnson to approve as written.  10-0

C.       New Business

1.      Discuss the public meeting regarding the Marina Project that will be held on June 10th, 2008 and what process to utilize for advertising/promoting.  

There was considerable discussion on the proposed marina project.  It was decided that a public meeting would be scheduled for June 10, 2008 at the Town Hall, starting at 5:45 p.m.  The posting will be in the local papers, Town website, Harbormaster office, and the Chambers Website.  In addition, Murphy will contact the Towns assessor for a list of addresses to abutting property owners, and will forward a letter of invitation too them.  There was also mention too invite members of the American Legion, Summer residence Association, along with a member of the Public Works, Police, and Fire.

The format of the meeting will begin with a an opening statement by Savage, representing the Marine Management committee.  Noel Musson, of CES, INC. will then take over the meeting, with an existing plan of the project, leading into a proposed plan.

Discussion followed proposing changes to the proposed plan, changing traffic flow and parking areas.  Musson inquired on the commercial traffic area, and changes were made.  It was decided that the goal for parking spots was no less than 200.  Discussion followed on seasonal slip parking, with Johnson bringing up the subject of a seasonal lot in the area where it currently is.  After more discussion, it was decided to have 4-5 temporary parking spots closer to the North dock.  Murphy suggested cutting the present two parking spots allowed for seasonal customers down to one, issuing one reserved spot per vessel in the proposed parking lot.  After more discussion, Murphy stated that it was not all that far, nor unreasonable; for customers currently at the docks too walk.

Moore suggested two drawing be available, one with the proposed changes made at this meeting, along with the other.  Discussion on the dumpster placement and public restroom followed.  It was decided that the restrooms would be near the proposed parking lot, and the dumpster for the marina located near the grounds keepers building, on the west side.   Discussion followed on the proposed roadway behind the Harbormaster Building.  After ideas were heard, the consensus was to do away with it, directing flow through the entrance of the proposed parking lot.

A May 28th, 2008 special meeting was decided on and will begin at 5:30 at the Town Hall to see changes that will be made to the proposed plan.

D.      General Issue

       1.      Open

Mike Olson inquired if he could have extra time getting his vessel “SUNRISE” ready to operate from the commercial dock.   The consensus was that as long as the user fee had been paid, Olson could continue to keep his position at the dock till he gets his vessel completed.  It was recommended that if it takes longer than a year, too come back before the MMC.  Black Motioned to give Olson another year, Fernald second.  Vote 11-0

E.           Old Business

1.      Information/status regarding launch services in other areas similar to Northeast Harbor.

Murphy stated that he had researched launch services in other areas.  Items of interest that he found was that some areas absorbed the launch fee into the mooring rental, limiting the hours of operation based on staffing times.  It was also found that some areas had a contract written into the mooring rental that mandated the use of the launch service during operational hours.  Murphy stated that he felt that the only was that it would be beneficial too someone to would be if the launch was included in the current Mooring Agent Contract, as he felt that there would not be enough revenue solely on the launch to fund the operation.  If it was included, the extra cost for insurance, vessel upgrade, and license fees could be absorbed as long as the agent had the sole contract.   Savage stated that many years ago, he and a couple partners attempted a launch.  He stated that they broke even.  Savage stated that he felt that it would not be beneficial to separate the two into separate contracts.  Further discussion will be planned at a later date.

F.      Discussions

G.      Adjourn

Moore motioned to adjourn, Johnson second, Vote 11-0.  7:20 p.m.

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy